Reasoning Plugin
This plugin features ad-hoc owl:sameAs
and rdfs
reasoning using the following variants:
SELECT * { SERVICE <rdfs:> { ?s a :Person } }
SELECT * { SERVICE <sameAs:> { ?s a :Person } }
SELECT * { SERVICE <sameAs+rdfs:> { ?s a :Person } }
SameAs Reasoning
Loading the JenaX plugin bundle makes SERVICE <sameAs:>
automatically available (inferencing on owl:sameAs links). No special setup is required. SameAs reasoning is implemented as an independent DatasetGraph
wrapper. As a consequence, it does not consider information such as <p> rdfs:subPropertyOf owl:sameAs
Programmatic Use
The class DatasetGraphSameAs
contains the various static methods for wrapping a base dataset with one that performs this inferencing. The simplest form is:
DatasetGraph dsg = DatasetGraphSameAs.wrap(DatasetGraphFactory.createTxnMem());
We recommend use of createTxnMem
because it seems it can in general answer contains()
checks much faster than DatasetGraphFactory.create()
(as of jena-4.7.0) - which is important when duplicates are not allowed (default).
Optionally, a cache size can be configured. For up to that many accessed resources, their sameAs links will be stored in the cache in order to reduce lookups on the underlying dataset. Any modification of the dataset invalidates the cache. If there can be changes to the base dataset then caching should be disabled as chances will not be reflected.
There is also the option to create a ‘tabeling’ wrapper that pre-caches all sameAs links. Because in this mode all sameAs links are known, any check for whether a resource has any sameAs links can be made solely from the cache (without a request to the underlying dataset). Any update to the dataset “unsets” the cache, and any request against an “cache” index will first attempt to fill it.
DatasetGraph dsg = DatasetGraphSameAs.wrapWithTable(DatasetGraphFactory.createTxnMem());
Assembler Configuration
The jxp:DatasetSameAs
assembler enables wrapping of a base dataset to add sameAs inferencing capabilities. The set of predicates which to treat as ‘sameAs’ can be configured.
<#datasetWithSameAs> a jxp:DatasetSameAs ;
jxp:cacheSize 10000 ; # 0 = disable caching, -1 = prefetch all sameAs statements
jxp:predicate owl:sameAs ;
jxp:allowDuplicates false ; # 'True' disables the check for whether an inferred statement has already been produced
ja:dataset <#baseDataset> .
RDFS Reasoning
Programmatic Use
Our improved RDFS reasoner wrapper class is DatasetGraphRDFSReduced
DatasetGraph dsg = DatasetGraphRDFSReduced.wrap(
Assembler Configuration
The reasoning plugin defines the following assemblers:
This assembler wraps the configured base dataset with ad-hoc RDFS inferencing against the preconfigured RDFS ontology. Any query against that dataset will match inferencable data. Our reasoner contains improvements aimed at providing better general performance over Jena’s existing RDFS engine (when compared to jena-4.7.0). It is designed as a drop in replacement for Jena’s existing RDFS engine.
@prefix jxp: <> .
a jxp:DatasetRDFS ;
ja:rdfsSchema "/path/to/rdfs.ttl" ;
ja:dataset <#baseDataset> .
This assembler enables the use of SERVICE <rdfs:>
and SERVICE <sameAs+rdfs:>
. Inferencing is only performed with the respective SERVICE
use; SPARQL statements will otherwise be executed conventionally. Technically, the specified RDFS file is processed into a ConfigRDFS<Node>
instance and put into the base dataset’s context and the result is the base dataset. Making use of the respective SERVICE
then executes the request against the configured context. Note, that because this assembler modifies the base dataset’s context, it is not possible to create multiple inferencing ‘views’ on the same dataset directly with this assembler. Another wrapper that adds an independent copy of the context would be needed.
@prefix jxp: <> .
a jxp:DatasetRDFSEnabled ;
ja:rdfsSchema "/path/to/rdfs.ttl" ;
ja:dataset <#baseDataset> .