
The property function norse:simplePaths matches up to ?n paths between the RDF terms ?from and ?to w.r.t. a property path expression string ?pathExprStr.

Example Data

# data.ttl
PREFIX eg: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>

eg:anne foaf:knows eg:x .
eg:y foaf:knows eg:x .
eg:bob foaf:knows eg:y .


PREFIX eg: <>
PREFIX norse: <>

SELECT ?path {
  VALUES (?from ?to ?pathExprStr ?n) {
    (eg:anne eg:bob "(!rdf:type|^!rdf:type)+" 100)

  ?from norse:path.simplePaths(?pathExprStr ?path ?to ?n) .

The query above yields the following result for data.ttl below:

"<> <> true <> <> false <> <> false <>"^^norse:array

Paths are encoded as norse:arrays of pattern startNode (property isForward reachedNode)*. A path thus always has at least one startNode followed by zero-or-more “steps”. A step is always three consecutive array elements and holds: the traversed property, the direction (forwards=true, backwards=false) and the reached node.

Working with Paths

As paths are encoded as norse:arrays, norse’s set of functions for arrays can be applied.

Extract the Final Target Node of a Path

Use array.last: BIND(norse:array.last(?path) AS ?target)

Unnesting Path

The steps that need to be taken are:

  • Obtain the length of a path using norse:array.size.
  • Generate a sequence of numbers to access the steps. This can be accomplished using norse:number:range which generates numbers similar to a for-loop.
  • Extract the array elements of each step using norse:array.get.
PREFIX eg: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX norse: <>

SELECT ?idx ?property ?direction ?reachedNode
  VALUES (?from ?to ?pathExprStr ?n) {
    (eg:anne eg:bob "(!rdf:type|^!rdf:type)+" 100)

  ?from norse:path.simplePaths(?pathExprStr ?path ?to ?n) .

  BIND(norse:array.size(?path) AS ?pathLen)
  (1 ?pathLen 3) norse:number.range ?i # for (?i = 1; i < ?pathLen; ?i +=3) { ... }
  BIND(xsd:int((?i - 1) / 3) AS ?idx)
  BIND(norse:array.get(?path, ?i + 0) AS ?property)
  BIND(norse:array.get(?path, ?i + 1) AS ?direction)
  BIND(norse:array.get(?path, ?i + 2) AS ?reachedNode)


| idx                                         | property                          | direction | reachedNode                  |
| "0"^^<> | <> | true      | <>   |
| "1"^^<> | <> | false     | <>   |
| "2"^^<> | <> | false     | <> |