Online Demo

These are Links to YasGUI visualizations for our SPARQL endpoint.

The SPARQL endpoint contains metadata about RDF datasets in our Archiva Artifact Repository. We are deploying datasets to the artifact repository using Maven deploments (mvn deploy) and manual uploads. Currently we do not provide a public upload service. Once artifacts are uploaded to the repository, the mvn-rdf-sync system automatically generates metadata artifacts, which are published in our SPARQL endpoint. Note, that published data contains links to the pom.xml files in the archiva, of which some(*) are self-contained such that they re-produce the output from the inputs.

* The POM does not have native support for such metadata, we intent to introduce the following Maven and RDF properties in the metadata:

  • m4d:self-contained to indicate that the POM is intended to support running it stand-alone in order to produce one or more output artifacts, and
  • m4d:reproducible when each run is supposed to produce the exact same output bit-by-bit.