Maven Polyglot


Maven Polyglot allows one to write a pom in other formats than XML. Supported languages include YAML, JSON, or even Ruby.


XML is quite verbose. Its popularity declined with the advent of newer formats such as YAML.


For specific issues, it may be more likely to find solutions using XML rather than any other format.


  • Polyglot translates non-XML builds into the abstract project object model (pom) which can be serialized as XML again.
  • When deploying a polyglot project, only the XML model is deployed. This ensures interoperability with any existing XML-based pipelines.
  • Deploying a polyglot pom file can be done by attaching it as an artifact.

Converting Maven Projects

POM syntaxes can be converted with the polyglot-translate-plugin’s translate goal:

mvn io.takari.polyglot:polyglot-translate-plugin:translate -Dinput=pom.xml -Doutput=pom.yml

Enabling Polyglot

In order to use Polyglot, you need to tell maven to load the polyglot extension prior to starting the actual build.

In your project, create (or update) the file .mvn/extensions.xml with the following content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


Now you can create e.g. a pom.yml with the following content. The example is a YAML version of How To Archive a Directory.

modelVersion: 4.0.0
groupId: org.aksw.maven4data.examples
artifactId: my-archived-directory-polyglot
version: 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
name: 'Package a directory in YAML'

  directory-to-archive: . UTF-8
    - directory: ${directory-to-archive}


  • As usual, you can validate a pom file using:
mvn validate
  • For debugging it is often helpful to convert the YAML to JSON first. The tool yq can be used for this purpose:
yq -o json -p yaml pom.yml