
Welcome to the GitHub Organization Scaseco - scalable semantic components.


  • aksw-commons: A utility belt for things not covered by apache-commons, guava and commons-collections.
  • JenaX: A project with many unofficial extensions for the Apache Jena Semantic Web framework.
  • r2rml-api-jena: A RML and R2RML toolkit. Can translate RML and R2RML to extended SPARQL queries that can be executed with the JenaX SPARQL extensions. This approach enables algebra optimization and reuse of SPARQL extensions.
  • hadoop-parser-framework: This hadoop/spark project should eventually receive the IO layer of SANSA.

Vaadin Utilities and Components

  • vaadin-yasqe: Vaadin bindings for the popular Yet Another Sparql Query Editor (YASQE) widget.
  • vaadin-jena: Components and utilities for bridging Vaadin and Jena. Examples include: SPARQL-backed grid views, SPARQL-based label retrieval and visualization of spatial RDF literals (e.g. GeoSPARQL) on a leaflet map.

Maven-based Data Management

  • maven4data: A website explaining how to adapt the Apache Maven build system for generating, transforming, packaging and deploying data artifacts.
  • sparql-maven-plugin: A maven plugin to create or update resources with SPARQL queries.
  • ckan-maven-plugin: A maven plugin to deploy artifacts to CKAN instances.
  • mvn-rdf-sync: CLI and docker setup to detect changes to a Maven repository and trigger generation and publishing of metadata artifacts. For example, an upload of an RDF dataset may automatically trigger DCAT, VoID and PROV-O generation.


  • RDF Processing Toolkit: A CLI tool that can also act as a platform for SPARQL-based RDF processing. Ships with an embedded server that can supply SPARQL and GraphQL endpoints. Can also process RML. GraphQL and RML are internally processed as SPARQL statements.
  • Facete3: A SPARQL-based Faceted Search Application built upon the Java Vaadin framework.